Wednesday, 20 July 2016


I am a francophile. I just love anything French and learning about their culture and anything french really. I have just purchased this book by Mireille Guiliano and I am looking forward to reading over the holiday break.

Mireille was in Australia last year, she shared a few tips for us Australian women which we should all consider.....

The famous author of 'French Women Do Not Get Fat' has shared her 'Manifesto for Australian Women.' Put simply she says enjoy a healthy lifestyle without denying yourself life's little pleasures.

1. Start each day with a real breakfast.

2. Introduce two servings of natural yoghurt as a breakfast or snack food or dessert - the protein will keep you fuller longer.

3. Enjoy milk, cheese or yoghurt every day. Many people avoid these foods because they think they are fattening - this is a mistake. Eating these foods as part of a balanced diet is not linked to weight gain.

4. Stop dieting.

5. Take the stairs and laugh more, it is good for the waistline and for the soul.

6. Never let yourself get too hungry or overeat.

7. Good food is not pretentious. Do not take yourself too seriously. and do not let recipes intimidate you - they are a guide not a formula.

8. Cooking is slimming. Love is slimming. Happiness is slimming.

9. Eat smaller portions of more things, rather than bigger amounts of less things.

10. Australian's love their coffee, so take pleasure in your morning ritual of your morning latte or cappuccino.

11. Choose and enjoy your weekend rewards, like your favourite dark chocolate rather than worrying about eating 'bad' food.

12. Explore Australia's great outdoors with regular physical movement. Choose things you can do in street clothes like a daily walk or a leisurely bike ride.

13. Avoid anything that demands too much effort for too little pleasure.

14. Eat and serve what is in season. With the Australian summer in sight, enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables aplenty.

15. Do not save the champagne for special occasions, being in good company is reason enough. 

- The Daily Edition

What are your thoughts about Mireille's tips?

Are they something that you already do? or 

Would you like to add them to your current lifestyle?


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