Tuesday 2 July 2013

No one expects a candy floss film from me: Madhur Bhandarkar

He does not have camps. He doesn't encourage sycophants. And admits to feeling like an investigative journalist in real life because he understands "the psyche, the probing and asking questions bit". From being an errand boy at a video library to becoming a name to reckon with in Bollywood, Madhur Bhandarkar shares his journey with TOI. Excerpts:

Today you are brand known for making commercially successful 'realistic' films. Your movies have made it to the National Film Archive of India and are used as case study in premier business institutes. How does it feel?

I feel great. When I wanted to become a filmmaker people used to laugh at me. Since the time I was an errand boy at a video cassette, I wanted to be a filmmaker. I never wanted to be an actor even though a lot of people did say I could try. I do a lot of mimicry. People like my one liners, my sense of humour and felt I could be a good actor.

Did you train to be a director?

I didn't even study. I dropped out of school. I am a sixth standard failed (laughs). I was always an avid reader of books. My vocabulary, my English are all thanks to that reading habit. Reading keeps me grounded. I came from a very middle class family — poor in fact. I saw in this industry that success is not guarantee for security. Everything is temporary here. Never take your success seriously, never take your failure seriously.

How did your first success Chandni Bar happen?

I had made this flop film called Trishakti which was my magnumwapas (laughs). Then one day a stockbroker friend of mine took me out for a drink to this ladies beer bar. The place was so different that I was uncomfortable and forced my friend to leave too. But the music there haunted me the entire night. Next day, I called up my friend and together we went to four-five such bars. I did so much research that I can do two-three more Chandni Bars. The budget of Chandni Bar was just one and half crores. But Tabu liked the script so much that she cut her price and agreed to do the film with a flop filmmaker. The rest is history...

Are you going to make sequels or another film on the subject?

I like to leave a film open-ended, with a lingering feeling. I'll not do sequels of any of my films till I have subjects to explore.

If not a filmmaker, what would you have been?

I'd have been a film journalist. I'm like an investigative journalist. (laughs)

Is that why your films social raise issues...

Yes. After Chandni Bar there was a shutdown of such bars in Mumbai. After Page 3 people started avoiding such events. Traffic Signal exposed the money flow through the mafia. I'm not apologetic about the brutal truth in my films. Almost 70% of my films are based on reality and 30% I fictionalize or change to suit my film.

You've made mostly women-oriented films with leading Bollywood actresses. Who's your favourite among them?

They are all wonderful people. Priyanka is very emotional and retains her middle-class background. She's still the girl-next-door. Kareena is gracious. But with Tabu there is an emotional connect. She's amazingly talented and I've learnt so much from her.

But your film Heroine projected the industry in a negative light...

Heroine portrays the industry like it really is. What's wrong in showing something as it is? Even Guru Dutt made Kagaz Ke Phool so many years ago. It's dark and real. I stick to a formula that suits me. I've created an image for myself, about the kind of films I make, so if I make a Dil Toh Bachcha... people ask me why I shifted. No one expects a candy floss film from me. I also like to watch all sorts of films, even a Rowdy Rathore. I enjoy cinema. No one knows what will work at the box office.

You are known to be very religious. But it doesn't reflect in your films.

My beliefs encompass all religions. But I never show my religious inclination in my films. My characters have dark sides; they aren't the god-fearing characters. It wasn't a conscious decision. I'm a very lazy and emotional person who connects with the common man. I'm not awestruck by the film world. It's just a platform to earn my bread and butter. My middle-class, poor upbringing played a role in shaping my thoughts. Being a delivery boy at the video library and going from door to door — meeting the richest people in the locality and bar girls. I saw people of all backgrounds and all corridors of society — film stars, past actors, wannabe actors, gangsters...

How did you get your first break?

After working with Ram Gopal Verma (for Rangeela where I was an assistant director), I got my break. Even becoming an assistant director is difficult. I was the boy who made chalk marks for the actors, hold their costumes, and hold their sandals. For that kind of fringe work, I was the guy.

Have you directed those actors in your films?

I have and I've also met some of the others. They're proud of my achievements. Then there are actors whom I used to request to work with me, but back then they never did. But eventually they did work with me, so it's all a part of this Bollywood life.

Doesn't the negativity you portray in your films seep into your psyche too?

I have traits of journalist in me. I understand the psyche, the probing, asking questions bit. I understand people. I just do my research and make my films based on what I gather. I do not let it go beyond that. I do not let the success go to my head. I let people click photos with me and give them time. I've seen the industry from very close proximity. I've seen how brutal people can be. When you are not successful, they don't even want to answer your phone calls. Suddenly you become jinxed, untouchable. That's the reason I stay grounded. Setbacks do not affect me either.

So you live with a Zen-like attitude, nothing affects you?

(Shaking head vehemently) No! No! No! Nothing! I've seen so many ups and downs. I've been part of controversies... I've been a fighter. When I look back and see myself as a school dropout, someone who had no backing in the industry, I feel happy. Commercial success, four national awards and the appreciation from audience...I'm a very happy man.

How do you fit in this industry?

In this industry, the minute you get success, you are surrounded by chamchas and sycophants and then you put on blinkers. Mujhe nahi chahiye yeh sab. Aaj bhi jab meri gadi kharab hoti hai, servicing mein jaati hai, I take an auto rickshaw and go to office. I'm not ruled by any list of dos and don'ts. I lead a very normal life.

What about your production house?

I made a serial for a TV channel. It did well. But after that I didn't get the time. If I get a good subject, I'll definitely make more TV shows.

There's a buzz that you are planning to make a musical.

The idea is there in my mind. It'll be a musical love story.

And is there anything that draws you to Kolkata?

I love this city. I love the food over here, the fish because I'm a fish-eater. I love to drive down Howrah Bridge. But essentially, it's the food and people that really draws me to Kolkata.

Finally, how good a dad are you?

I'm a very good dad, yaar (laughs). My daughter is seven-years-old, very smart and imitates people like me. I can see she is developing a good sense of humour. I don't help her with her studies. My wife's a very educated person and she takes care of all that. I just let her be. Life is good (smiles).


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