Tuesday 2 July 2013

Anurag Basu acquires the right to remake Prison Break

For someone who started his career with television, this could be a return to home ground, except in a much bigger way.

Anurag Basu, who made his directorial debut with 'Tara', one of the longest running soap operas on TV, has now acquired the rights of the very popular American TV series, Prison Break. Sources close to Basu revealed that Brett Ratner, executive producer of the American series, who also directed its pilot episode, was instrumental in facilitating the deal that was signed a few months ago. Basu will come on board of the Indian version of the hit show not just as co-producer but also as creative director.

The desi version will be aired on a leading TV channel, details of which are being kept strictly under wraps. Incidentally, Ratner was Basu's editor for the international version of his 2010 film Kites starring Hrithik Roshan and Barbara Mori in lead roles.

Prison Break revolves round two brothers, one of whom has been sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit even as the other hatches an elaborate plan to help his sibling escape the gallows.

Dominic Purcell and Wentworth Miller play the duo in Prison Break which won the 2006 People's Choice Award for Favourite New TV Drama and was nominated for several awards, including the 2005 Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series Drama.


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