Friday, 22 July 2016

Ocean Born

Mesmerised by an ocean dream,
Eternal life, alone and free.
Rolling waves, sea pure and clear,
Maybe I've found shelter from the storm.
A cave that glistens, a loving aura.
I no longer need my troubles,
Driven to the dream I've always dreamed,
Swimming with the mermaids of the open seas.

 Fantasy Cream is a quarterly event, held at the wonderful Dandelion Daydreams Sim. You have a whole month to come visit and gather the goodies created by various Medieval & Fantasy Grid Crier Merchants. There are some different things for you to enjoy while at the event, like the Vote and Win, where you can vote on the Exclusive item you like the best, and have a chance to win some wonderful prizes, while also helping the designer of your choice win a prize as well. 

You can also do that hunt, which will take you on a little tour of each of the designers mainstores. Find the bottles at Fantasy Cream to get your hints, then use the included landmarks to hop to each store to find your prize.


Hair - The Stringer Mausoleum - Warpath in Limited Edition Spaletica - L$100
Mesh Head(Eyes/Lashes) - Genesis Lab - Lara Head 2.0 - Group Gift (Pay to Join)
Mesh Ears - Eclectica - Elf Ears in Fairy Version
Mesh Body - Slink - Physique Body
Skin Appliers - Soul - Emma Skin in P.A.F Tone/Amalthea Makeup
Mesh Hands - Slink - Casual Pose
Nail Appliers - Livia - Ocean Nails - Maitreya Gifts, Sales, News Group Gift (Free to Join)
Lingerie Appliers - Shea Designs - Anda Lingerie in Azul - Free Dove Gift
Skirt - Foxes - Waist High Skirt in BB Blue - Free @ Luxe Box Party Room
Pant Appliers - Mute. - Latex Fades in Blue - L$10
Necklace and Bracelets - Moondance Boutique - Fiore Jewelry Set - Group Gift (Free to Join)
Necklace - Plastik - Spire Quartz Pendant in Silvered/Long - Common Gacha Item @ The Epiphany
Rings - Jinx - Crystal Ball and Crystal Cluster Rings - L$99 each *NEW* @ Lost and Found
Horns - Jinx - Mermaid Seahorns - Fantasy Cream Hunt
Tentacles - Cubic Cherry Kre-ations - Thorns Tail in Sky
Particles - Cole's Corner - Cosmic Consciousness Aura in Astral - *NEW* @ The Looking Glass

Poses - Curvosity - Basic Bish Pose Pack
This post features an items from the wonderful collection of fantasy designers who are a part of the Medieval Fantasy Grid Crier group.


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