Tuesday, 19 July 2016

All round LBD

"Music is the food of the soul........and its always there when no one else is.

We are having some really cold days here, trying to do as much layering as possible with scarves, trench coats, socks, boots etc. Today's outfit revolves around this trench, a staple piece that I am hooked to of late. Not so warm. but it can be layered up with a sweater, scarf or even another coat. This  Lbd is perfect for work paired with a blazer, coffee or even lunching.


Am currently obsessed with this Joel Osteen book,  its quite an interesting motivational book. It can act as a daily devotion too. If you have watched him you know what i mean, he goes a great way to encourage people. you want to be inspired get glued to him.
                 Goofing around with my niece. 

Thanks for stopping by. Talk to you soon.
With Love,
Carole & Juelz


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