Saturday, 23 July 2016

A Guide To Finding The Perfect Bathing Suit

Le Fashion Blog Find Your Perfect Swimsuit Via Vogue Fr
Photo via: Vogue Paris

When it's too hot to wear clothes, you only have one option left. No, not nudity! A bathing suit. Bathing suit shopping can be daunting. That top is too big. This one is too tight. Those bottoms don't give you the booty you wish for. When shopping gets complicated, look to this guide. Every bathing suit is designed for different body parts and we're designed to help you scout out the perfect one. To hide a tummy, go for waist ruching. To make your legs look a mile long, try a high cut. For a cheaper breast-lift, opt for a halter top or thicker straps. Want a bigger butt? Go for a cheeky boy short or ruffled bottoms. Small chest? PADDING and busy prints. Broad shoulders? Asymmetrical tops. Check out some picks below (in the order mentioned) for your perfect bathing suit. Read the post on We're Not Exclusive for more.

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