Tuesday, 22 March 2016


Hello there, I am sorry for the lengthy time between posts but life tends to take over, with work, migraines and family life. I am here back and hoping to blog more than once a week. I have been shopping lately buying a few things for myself and my mother's birthday.

On Monday my darling mother 'mother bear' celebrated her 67th birthday, sadly she spent her special day in the hospital having an operation on a pinched nerve in her lower back. We are all looking forward for some pain free time for Mum so she can feel better.

I have had a few days off work so I can be there with Mum before and after the operation. I thought long and hard on what to get for her birthday. I walked into L'Occitane knowing my mother loves body products and they had this lovely gift pack 'Journey to Provence' a perfect array of products for her to enjoy upon her arrival back home. 

Mum is doing really well and should be back home tomorrow. 

Do you have a special name that you call your mother?


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