Friday, 1 January 2016

Christmas in Florida

Hello, friends. I’m still here although my visits have been sporadic this past year. Happy New Year, by the way! I hope the year brings more good than bad to everyone. I spent the week over Christmas visiting my husband’s folks in Florida along the Gulf Coast. My sons were with me and it was great to be away.

And the weather . . . oh my stars. It was like summertime.

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One of the many highlights of my trip was taking bird photos the Rookery/Venice Area Audubon Society. There were so many nesting birds – it was amazing. Can you see some of them in the photo above? This was an island in the middle of a small lake and there were so many egrets and herons in there.

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I managed to capture this one of a Great Blue Heron.

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And this one of a mother with one of her nestlings.

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I love how graceful they are in flight.

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I found this on the beach one evening and thought it was pretty cute.

Merry Christmas!

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This is a Great Egret that came right up to our table at a waterfront restaurant one day.

Love that green.

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Wish I had a bigger lens sometimes because I could have gotten a much better shot of the elusive Roseate Spoonbill if I had. Caught this one in flight at Myakka River State Park while on a boat tour.

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This is one of my favorites from my bird shots. A Great Blue Heron coming down for a landing with ruffled feathers galore. I love it.

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We took a little tram ride through the park and this was a pretty scene from my seat in the back row.

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A sailboat glides through Venice Inlet on a beautiful afternoon.

I had a restful holiday over Christmas. Hope yours was good.

Thanks for stopping by today ~

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