Monday, 2 November 2015


Good Morning and welcome to Tuesday the 3rd of November. Melbourne Cup Day!

I hope you have been making a little time for YOU relaxing and not feeling too rushed. November is the time of year that everything is a little full on than usual with Christmas not very far away and schedules to be completed before holiday time is upon us.

I am back with my mission for you all to take a little time for YOU. I would love you to follow along on the journey I would like us all to share through social media with the hashtag #alittlesparkletime. This is a task and a time out for you, even if it is only 10 minutes. 

Time for yourself is super important and makes for a healthier and happier you. 

It can be the little things that make all the difference. I would like to start a challenge over on instagram where you upload a photo of what you do or have done to make time for yourself.

Lets start November with a little positivity by making a little sparkle time for you. A time to enjoy and snap a photo of how you having a little time for YOU.

- find the time to snap a pic of what you are reading. A novel, magazine, a blog, newspaper. Anything the you love to read. 

- a hot drink is heartwarming and relaxing. I look forward to my first cup of coffee every morning. That last cup of relaxing tea after dinner is just as important for that relaxing time out before bed. 

- Beauty. Most of us apply makeup religiously everyday. Snap a pic of your most favourite beauty product that you love to wear to make you feel extra special. Or something simple like your favourite lipstick/gloss/balm or your favourite fragrance. There is nothing more beautiful than a smile happy YOU. 

Add a little sparkle. A glass of bubbly, champagne or sparkling water. A pop of fizz will have you bursting with happiness. I just love adding a little sparkling water to my day. 

Pop on a colour you love to wear. A scarf, a knit, shoes or a lovely necklace you love to wear but do not wear often enough. Watch your confidence rise when you have a special piece you love. 

- we all have quotes or affirmations that we love. Say it aloud. Share it. Print it out. Save it where you can see it everyday to remind you of a little positivity or happy times. 

- enjoy a special time out with those you love. Share a little snippet of this special moment of your day. 

- Better health with healthier eating, a smoothie, time to exercise for a better healthier you.

This is all about making time for you and savouring the moment. A little peace and quiet, a moment just for you or a special moment with those you love. A little sparkle time is a time that makes you happy and content. Savour the moment and snap a photo with the hashtag #alittlesparkletime

Lets make November the month where you make time for YOU!

Will you be taking part in a little time to sparkle for the month of November?

I look forward to seeing you take #alittlesparkletime with your photos. 


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