Friday, 22 May 2015

In a Dark Mood

  I'm not feeling writing a ton right now so just check below for details, some might be important!  Enjoy!
dark mood
Mesh Head: Genesis Lab @ We Love Roleplay, free.  Please read note about this below credits!!!!!
Bustier: Sn@tch, 7Seas fishing prize
Hair: Lamb
Wings: Neverwish @ World Goth Fair**
Accessories: Lassitude & Ennui @ The Secret Affair
Pose: Marukin
I'm not wearing any eyes in this post because I kind of liked how it looked without them lol
This head was meant for male avs, which means it comes with a matching male skin.  If you want to wear a female skin with it that matches you will have to find one on your own, I tried some female ones from Genesis Lab and got a close enough match for the photo.  It has a wider/thicker neck shape than female heads generally do so it might not work with your shape.  I had to photoshop a seam out, lol.  This head also comes with matching elf ears so that's awesome.  If you like it, go check out the main store for more gifts and for some interesting full priced items.

**My connection is pretty slow and I can't get through WGF to get the exact slurl to Neverwish's booth right now but you can find a map of the event HERE so it should be easy to get to.


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