Saturday, 30 November 2013

Time to get Forbidden....

I've actually had some time off work this week, which gave me chance to catch up on a few hunts. Here's some pf the cute gifts avaiable form the Forbidden Apple Hunt. All gifts are L$1.

Pretty much everything you see here is from the hunt, including the pose/ pose-prop, skin, antlers and outfit. With this outfit, I am wearing another pair of {MV}'s The Wash sale boots, which are currently available for L$10, here's a close-up;


skin: drop dead gorgeous ~ fairest of them all (Forbidden Apple Hunt gift), worn with;

lips: deluxe body factory ~ cobweb (Rock Attitude Hunt gift, L$5),

eyes: pin me down ~ vibrant eyes/ red,

nails: sugar (now yumyums) ~ dark alice nails (nail appliers worn with slink nail enhancement hud),

piercings: cute poison ~ legion (recent win in their midnight mania, might still be the current prize!),


clothes: sugar and cyanide ~ candy apple (Forbidden Apple Hunt gift, includes Tango appliers),

boots: {MV} Witchhaven boots/ slate (L$10 @ The Wash Cart Sale),


antlers: Les Sucreries de Fairy ~ Forbidden antlers (Forbidden Apple Hunt gift),

ring: cute poison ~ cross ring/ red (Gatcha at main store),


eye-shadow: songbird ~ gothique glitter/ red glitter,

and; Beautiful Freak cosmetics ~ Thorny/ red,


The Artist's Loft ~ Tree of Knowledge (Forbidden Apple Hunt gift, inc various poses).

The Forbidden Apple hunt runs til 8th December, hunt blog with hints is here.

Happy Hunting!

MiLLiE xx


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