Friday 9 August 2013

Like fancy flowers.

A few weeks ago when I visited Sarah’s house, she gave us the ultimate treat – free reign through her charity shop pile. Well, I say pile – it was more like four piles. I managed to get first dibs on the dress bag and had a pile almost as tall as me by the time I was through. Sadly a few of the dresses don’t fit, but those that do are already hanging proudly in my bulging wardrobe.

This Dahlia dress is one that I’d kind of describe as ugly-pretty. I’m a fan of an ugly-pretty print, like this dress, or this one, partly because I feel like I shouldn’t like them… so it’s like ‘I don’t CARE what you think! I’m wearing it!’ Of course that’s silly – they’re nice dresses, right? I do really feel though that this is one of those dresses I shouldn’t like. It’s kind of 70s, and yellow isn’t a colour I EVER wear, but I’m fond of it. It’s a great one to wear with leggings or tights and is nice and fitted on the waist, and I think when the weather gets colder, it’ll get a lot of wear.

I’m a fan of the side bun at the moment. I like a stylish hairdo that takes minutes to do, and this does just that. It’s my new work staple, because I am lazy, and in the morning, I am not going to bother with anything other than an up do unless I am trying to look impressive.

I wore this over my birthday weekend a couple of weeks ago to go to dinner with my friend Fiona. We went to L’Italiana restaurant in St Albans which I’m now obsessed with. You know when everyone really rates a restaurant and you go and think it’s underwhelming? And then you go again years later and are like ‘What the HELL was my problem? This place is awesome!’ THAT. I don’t know WHAT my problem was but L’Italiana is amazing. The tomato bruschetta was so garlicky, I’m dreaming about it. And my parma ham and olive pizza was as good as any I’ve had in Italy. Sitting outside on one of St Albans’ cobbled streets, with a large Italian family at the next table, it even FELT like Italy. The only problem is that this restaurant is only ten minutes walk from my house, and that knowledge is totally dangerous. Because it’s SO GOOD. Anyone fancy going out for pizza?

Dress - Dahlia

Leggings & Belt - Primark

Shoes c/o Spartoo

Necklace - Accessorize


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