Tuesday, 27 August 2013

10 gentle REMINDERS

1. Making others feel at ease is the essence of etiquette, yesterday and today.

2. There are few more words more elementary or welcomed than please and thank you.

3. Good moods are contagious hopefully yours will be pleasantly catching.

4. Be aware and considerate of other peoples personal space - physical and aural.

5. Showing respect is a gift - one that costs nothing and is endlessly appreciated.

6. Think of your tone of voice as a telegraph - as a listener it speaks volumes.

7. A short fuse does nothing but burn - should you find yourself with one - steer clear of others.

8. Never underestimate the message that is sent by your poise and posture.

9. Clothes count. Appropriate attire is not only respectful, but refreshing.

10. Let common sense be your guide and graciousness your goal.


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