Friday 5 July 2013

So we can go back and play pretend.

If you follow me on Twitter, you might have picked up that I am back from Glastonbury and that I am super sad about that. IT WAS JUST SO GOOD. The weather was pretty much perfect (sure, there was rain, but it was short and sweet and I was dancing my heart out in the silent disco during the worst of it) and... oh, I can’t even vocalise it. Spending the best part of a week living like savages, drinking like fish, eating like horses, swearing like sailors and dancing like fools. You just can’t beat it.

Sure, I’m pretty focused at the moment on just how amazing it is to be back in the world of proper plumbing and beds with mattresses and duvets, but I’m simultaneously in mourning. MOURNING, I TELL YOU. I truly believe you never truly appreciate Glastonbury until it’s over. Once you’re clean and have slept and your limbs stop hurting, there’s nothing else to do but cry every time someone asks you about it and scream in their face: I WANT TO GO BACK!

I packed LIKE A BOSS this year. I mean, during the walk from the car I chastised myself for all the booze that I brought because it’s bloody heavy, but it meant that I spent hardly any money when I was there and I DRANK IT ALL DIDN’T I? But clothes-wise, I wore almost everything I brought and felt supes efficient with my effective rewear strategies. This week’s Friday Frocks – and next week’s (sorry, people already sick of Glastonbury coverage) will feature a couple of my Glasto outfits. I know it’s over, but use my advice for next year! Or other festivals! Apparently Glasto isn’t the only one although I fail to grasp why you’d need anything else in your life when you have Glasto.

This little Topshop denim pinafore was one of the most practical festival buys I’ve ever bought. The reason I thought it would work well is because I figured I could just swap the tshirts worn under it every day, for minimal mingingness. Worked a treat! Also, the side pockets are the perfect size for a can of Magners and the front pocket fits my little camera in... I even hooked the strap of the camera through the strap of the pinafore so it was totally secure. So practical!

T-shirts – Primark

Cardigan – Debenhams

Wellies – Office

Converse c/o Spartoo Shoes

Floral Headband c/o Johnny Loves Rosie via Rekorderlig

Sabrina Backpack c/o Spartoo Shoes

As practical as it was though, I didn’t LOVE it. I realised that I generally feel nicer in a skater dress, and when I changed the next day into something else, felt much more ME. Pinafores don’t seem to sit quite right on me – let’s blame the boobs - so I’m not sure how much I will actually wear this in the real world.

I did get into the festival spirit with this floral headband that I got in my goodie bag at the Rekorderlig event. It's so pretty, but did leave a dent in my head by the end. Ouch. Also, here is a top tip - always paint your nails at festivals, therefore leaving you happily ignorant about the grime. Nice.


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