Wednesday 31 July 2013

Emilia Clarke hot hd wallpapers

Born: May 1, 1987 , London, United Kingdom

Height: 1.57 m

Nationality: English

Movies: Triassic Attack, Shackled, Spike Island, Dom Hemingway, The Garden of Last Days, Rosaline

Nominations: Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress - Drama Series, More..

Emilia Clarke is an English actress, best known for portraying Daenerys Targaryen in the HBO medieval-fantasy series Game of Thrones.

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Early life

Clarke was born in London, England, and grew up in Berkshire. Clarke's father is a theatre sound engineer her mother is a businesswoman, and her younger brother is studying politics. Clarke's interest in acting began at the age of three after seeing the musical Show Boat on which her father was working at the time. She was educated at St Edward's (2000–2005) and Rye St Antony before studying at Drama Centre London where she graduated in 2009.


Clarke's early work includes two plays at St. Edwards, ten plays at Drama Centre London, the 2009 Company of Angels production of Sense, and a 2009 commercial for Samaritans Her first television roles were Saskia Mayer in a 2009 episode of Doctors and Savannah in SyFy's 2010 movie Triassic Attack. Screen International magazine named her as one of the "UK Stars Of Tomorrow".

Clarke at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International

In 2010 she was cast as Daenerys Targaryen in the HBO medieval fantasy series Game of Thrones which is based on the book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. She was cast as a replacement to fellow British actress Tamzin Merchant who was replaced for undisclosed reasons. The show debuted in April 2011 to positive reviews and was quickly picked up by the network for a second season. Clarke won the 2011 EWwy Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama for her role as Daenerys.In 2013, she was nominated Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series for the 2013 Primetime Emmys, currently pending.

Clarke will appear in a new feature film in 2013 titled Spike Island, named after the location of The Stone Roses' seminal 1990 gig.

In March 2013, Clarke played the lead role of Holly Golightly in a Broadway production of Truman Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's. It opened on March 4 and ran until April 21st.

In May 2013 it was announced that Clarke had joined the feature film Garden of Last Days opposite James Franco.

Personal life

As of September 2012, Clarke was reported to be dating Seth MacFarlane. On 20 March 2013, it was reported that she and MacFarlane ended their relationship.


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