Sunday, 19 July 2015


To My Darling Girls, 

I feel the need to write you this letter as I want the best for you both always and I want you both to be happy and live a fulfilling life with all that you love. I feel the need to write this as one of you are about to leave your teenage years behind and the other with one more year at school I need to reassure you that you are doing well and I am one super proud mother.

Please be proud of who you are as I am. You are both strong and kind hearted girls and never change the way you are for anyone ever. Follow your dreams and never let anyone hold you back. People are always going to be judgemental so you have to rise above what others think and walk with your head held high. Take on board the advice you feel will benefit and then let the rest go.

Follow your gut and your own morals by listening and feeling what is happening inside your body. If you are cautious or something does not feel right then say no, move away and walk in the other direction. Only you can make the right decision for you. 

In relationships always make sure you are treated like a princess. Listen to each other and always support each other whatever obstacles come your way. Talk through issues and never go to sleep feeling or being unhappy with one another. As you both know it is super important to choose all friends wisely. Never tolerate anything other then respect and love. If you are uncomfortable or are no longer feeling that deep love, or are not being treated the way you should be in any type of relationship, say you do not like the way you are being treated and if nothing changes - then LEAVE with your head held high.

Do not waste time in your teens and twenties longing for a different body or wishing that you looked this way or that. Appreciate your body for what it does for you everyday. Always look after yourself and eat loads of good nutritional food. As I always say You are you and there is no one YOUER that YOU! You are B E A U T I F U L inside and out.

Know that you are L O V E D and adored and you always will be. My door is always open for a chat or just a cuddle, whenever you need me I will always be there. There are times when we challenge each other and disagree or have differences of opinion but that is life and that is part of everyday life. From the very beginning , from the very first moment I learnt I was pregnant with you both I have always loved and cared for and that will never change. I can only guide you as I know how but in the end it is up to you how you live your life and always live it with pride, happiness, butterflies in your tummy and contentment. I love and adore you both always and forever, infinity x infinity. Always know that i ma the proudest mother alive.

The world is full of endless opportunities ready for you both to embrace with open arms. 

Loads of love, hugs and kisses.

M U M M Y xoxo


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