Friday, 24 April 2015

How To Be Glam At Home (If You Like)

One of the most wonderful things about home is we can be truly relaxed: in our speech, habits and style. When I retired from paid work last December, though, I determined I would not succumb to "sloppy" at-home wear - at least not after 10 am.

There's nothing wrong about wearing sweats, tees, big white socks, or anything else that makes us feel good at home. Or profane tee shirts, just saying. But I like to experiment at home, too, and pick up my look for my own satisfaction. And if I am writing or singing at home, a "nice" outfit helps me feel more confident. Weird, but true.

Here are two cool at-home - or going out - looks I recently picked up at the Molly Mutt Thrift, where I volunteer. It's fun to wear pretty clothes and lipstick even if I only see Sandy  - and today, the guy who measures for blinds (don't get me started, window coverings are a little hell on earth.)

I put on shoes for you!

This vintage cotton kimono (similar) is happy-wear. I have to smile oddly when I wear it. Basic dark denim trousers,
(sim) my favorite bracelet, and cute flat sandals (sim) finish the look. Now, coffee!

My dear friend and thrift store manager Bryan gifted me this vintage silk jacket (similar). Love you, Bryan. It's
going to NYC with me in a few weeks.

What's your at-home style?

Stay fabulous,

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