"Second Friday" is an event in our small city, where vendors (and politicians, arghh) set up booths to show off their stuff. It's bucolic and fun, the way a small-town fair can be. And I do actually enjoy giving the politicians a hard time.
Here's a look at last night's revelries. It ain't Greenwich Village, but it's ours:
I bought a colorful scarf, and browsed the bags, sarongs, and jewelry. |
Have a bit of tasteless beach humor. |
Tunes on the street. "Stray Cat Strut" for us nostalgic baby boomers. |
Sandy points the way to simple pleasures . . . |
. . . while I prefer the Martini Bar. |
Have a magnificent weekend, and stay fabulous,
Friendly reminder: Visible Monday starts Sunday at around 5PM. Be there for the best blogger party and the finest company!
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