Saturday, 24 May 2014

AishwaryaRai and Abhishek Bachchan spotted Cannes2014

AishwaryaRai and Abhishek Bachchan spotted Cannes2014
AishwaryaRai and Abhishek Bachchan spotted Cannes2014

AishwaryaRai and Abhishek Bachchan spotted Cannes2014
AishwaryaRai and Abhishek Bachchan spotted Cannes2014

AishwaryaRai and Abhishek Bachchan spotted Cannes2014
AishwaryaRai and Abhishek Bachchan spotted Cannes2014

AishwaryaRai and Abhishek Bachchan spotted Cannes2014
AishwaryaRai and Abhishek Bachchan spotted Cannes2014

AishwaryaRai and Abhishek Bachchan spotted Cannes2014
AishwaryaRai and Abhishek Bachchan spotted Cannes2014

AishwaryaRai and Abhishek Bachchan spotted Cannes2014
AishwaryaRai and Abhishek Bachchan spotted Cannes2014


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