Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Are You A Verbal Or A Visual?


I remember studying styles of learning in grad school. The professor said some of us are more visual and others more verbal (there are many ways researchers divide this up). He asked us who in the class might be a visual processor based on how she presented herself. We all picked the other Patty (it wasn't me), because she combined color and shape and always looked so darn good. Since I remember that moment almost 20 years later, it must have made an impression.

And just a couple of years ago, when I had the distinct pleasure to meet Paula of Fashion Over Fifty, we had a similar discussion about how we each process the world. Paula is an artist, very visual and creative. She said the hard part of blogging for her is the writing. It was another aha! moment for me. I love to write, it comes easily, I even used to get paid for it. But "seeing" things does not come easy.

Some of Paula's colorful and creative outfits.

Another blogger friend who's an artist: Melanie of Bag and a Beret.

Suzanne is an artist too, and knows how to take just the right fashion risks.

Like many aficionados, I appreciate the beauty of a painting, photo, or outfit. But I have a hard time visualizing these things without coaching. That's one of the reasons my outfits, while nice and fun and pretty, never really soar. I don't have the eye.

I accept this, and get inspired by creative bloggers/designers/artists. Copying is OK. And I would like to get better at my visual skills, so I'm considering taking an art class for beginners. We are never too old to be a beginner.

Are you more comfortable in the world of words, or images? Or are you pretty fluent in both? I think it's good to stretch ourselves where we can.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, and stay fabulous,


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