Wednesday 14 August 2013

Left-Brain and Right-Brain Style


I am extremely analytical. A left-brainer. I love lists, numbers, spreadsheets and percentages. I choose logic over emotion for many life decisions. I married an analytical guy too, so we have a spreadsheet for (almost) everything, from buying a television to planning a vacation. Some of you are likely saying, well, that's pathetic. But that's us, we're wired this way and it usually works out splendidly. ☺

It can be a problem for my style, because style is part organization and part creativity. In fact, some of my favorite blogs are hosted by women oozing with creativity. (See Bella, Ariane, Melanie, and many more). Sometimes they are artists as well as bloggers, and no doubt have a strong right-brain orientation. They see things I don't see, and have wide-ranging imaginations.

When I met fabulous blogger/artist Paula last year, we talked about this challenge. She is visual, full of ideas for color and shape. She said the challenge for her in blogging was the writing; it doesn't come easily. For me, the writing is easy and fun, and the outfits are harder.

Paula made this tee shirt, and pulls together various colors/shapes, textures.

We all work with what we've got, so I try to build on my strength as an analyst. I study shapes and colors. I study bloggers and designers and retailers that appeal to my eye. What are they doing that is so appealing? Then I do a lot of copying, or modifying and personalizing. It sounds like work, but it's fun, big fun.

But I don't feel like I create. I want to; I bought one of those books with the line drawings that you can design clothing around. Major flop! I know Paula would go to town on one of those. So I recognize where my talents lie, rely on them, and try to s-t-r-e-t-c-h my imagination.

What about you? Are you a lefty or righty or a happy middle, with both analytical and creative skills? Do you design clothing and outfits in your head, or on paper? Or are you more like me, who has to see it elsewhere first? Isn't it grand that we're all different?


We have a winner of the jewelry giveaway!! The winner of the lovely Beleza Nilson Wide Bracelet is:

Tamera of The Menopausal Supermodel!

I think she'll wear it creatively (she's one of those arty types ☺) and with lots of great spirit. Congratulations, Tamera!


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